Sunday, December 21, 2008

In My Room

I've been home for over 2 weeks now, the longest I've been home since I left for tour in August. I could lie and say I've been incredibly productive, but instead I'll be honest with myself and say I've been staying out late at night and sleeping until late in the afternoon. It's been amazing to catch up with all of my hometown friends and there are plenty more to see.  

I haven't ruled out Arizona for New Years. If I can get my motorcycle and get it running in ship-shape a few days after Christmas, I'm going to load up a backpack and a bad-roll and go on a road trip. Here's the bike I'm getting from my friend Andrew; It's a 74 Honda...

That would be an experience, considering I have never ridden an actual motorcycle before in my life. I love the idea of being alone on the open road though. If it's not ready for New Years, I'm not going to sweat it. I'm home until March, there is plenty of time for road trips. I feel like going by myself would be the most exciting element to the trip. 

Adventure is always on my mind, especially considering I've been spending so much time cooped up in my room thanks to this brutal snow and sheer laziness. I've been cleaning it for over a week now and seem to be getting nowhere. Whenever I get a good momentum going, I'll find old artwork or writing that I've saved since middle school. I'm a recovering pack rat so keeping a clean room was always an issue for me. I've never thrown out so much of my stuff in my life.

I'd like to thank Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys for being my all-time favorite band. My uncle got me into them at a young age and my love for them has only grown since. This song has always been one of my favorites, and fitting for this post.  I've always spent a lot of time in my room, it's where I do my best thinking (aside from the shower.)

Alone time is healthy for the mind, cherish it.


1 comment:

Casey said...

without a doubt, this makes me jealous. first off, because i really want a motorcycle. a 1940 harley wl cruiser; 2-cylinder 4-stroke engine to be exact. second, because i'm betting you're going to go ton-up on that road trip of yours. which would be the first thing i'd do if i ever had a motorcycle of any kind in my possesion.