Friday, December 19, 2008

Show & Tell: 3 Months Strong

I get asked constantly what made me cut animals out of my diet. Take a few minutes out of your busy lives to watch these 2 videos. Sorry if I ruin your appetite, but I like to think you would want to know what is going in your body. Ignorance can be a scary thing when it gets out of hand. 

Watch more videos at

"Nobody can come up with a good argument for eating animals—nobody can. People as some kind of a joke say, well, "It’s tasty," but it’s only tasty once you garnish it and you put salt and pepper and you cook it and you have to do 300 things to it to disguise its true taste. If you put garnishes on a chair or fabric it would probably taste quite nice."  -Morrissey

If you aren't phased by this, that is perfectly fine. I just want people to see how wrong it is. 

Tomorrow marks my 3rd month of being vegan. I'm going to treat myself to vegan chicken patties and a tall glass of chocolate soy milk.

I owe my health and happiness to everybody that has helped me out along the way.

Feedback is STRONGLY encouraged.


Cheyenne said...

i completely agree with everything you've said. i've been a vegetarian now for two years, and it's possibly the best decision i've ever made.

M. Manning said...

I've never minded anyone becoming a Vegan or Vegetarian. What I DO mind is the irritating level of indignation I tend to receive when I'm categorized as an accessory to some sort of animal genocide. I also tend to think the self-righteous "Least Harm" principle that tends to be the prevailing wisdom is a crock. Widespread acceptance of the Vegan lifestyle would lead more animal death than a typical mixed diet. I'll post the link to it at the end of this diatribe.

So what does it turn into at that point? It becomes a lifestyle of convenience. If Vegetarians and Vegans held animal life in high regard and believed in completely eradicating animal suffering, then they would need to cultivate their own food to ensure it. Nobody does that. A Vegetarian or Vegan that believes in the least harm principle will only exercise this belief to the extent they're willing to be inconvenienced.

So, all in all? I can respect a decision not to eat meat. It's up to you, and I'll support you if you feel healthier and think that's a better way to live your life. All the power to you. That being said, you're not on a pedestal for doing it. Don't mean to be overtly rude, but you asked for feedback.


bam said...

Mark, on my blog, I'm always on a pedestal haha.

I read that article and found it interesting, but I'm not sold on it. Especially after all the red neck comments that immediately followed it. It's not something I've given a world of thought to; however, I agreed with what ColonelSparky says in the comments...

"It argues that more animals die in growing plants than the animals that are killed for meat. This is partly true: many animals living in the ag fields are killed when the plants are harvested. However, we must feed the animals we eat, and, in fact, feed them 10 times as much plant matter as we would eat ourselves if we just ate the plants. (10-times is an average; some animals consume less, some consume more.) So we have to grow 10 times as much plant matter AND THEREFORE KILL 10 TIMES AS MANY ANIMALS in order to eat animals over plants. And this is without taking into account the number of animals being fed these plants... "

blahblahblah said...

i agree with everything you said. i've been a vegetarian for almost 5 months now

blahblahblah said...

oh and you should read slughterhouse, its about the meat packing industry. its really nasty, but it is a good book.

ashley. said...

i've been vegan for a while, and i'm glad to see that you are as well. the people that tend to say that vegans and vegetarians are no better than those that eat animals bash us more than we could ever bash them. it's a give and take world, so if you can deal with the bullshit, you'll make it through. kudos to you :)